Bugzilla reports is a set of reports based on information found in the Bugzilla database. The reports that are possible to configure in Bugzilla are "bug-count" centricts, and sometime there is a need for reports on other aspects, like time-tracking.
The reports are accessible threw the bugzilla-report servlet. Entering the URL to this servlet in a web browser without any parameter will display a web page allowing to choose and configure your report.
Herafter, you'll find one section describing parameters common to all report, and one section per available reports:
Parameters name | Mandatory | Possible values | Default value | Description |
report_code | yes | See each available reports | - | Selects the report to produce |
full | no | true, false | true | For the reports that generates HTML, configure if full HTML page have to be generated, or just the part containing the report itself |
task | yes | generate | - | This is a mandatory parameter indicating that you do ant to generate the report. As other values are reserved to handle the Web interface, it is not necessary to list them here |
preset_queries | no | Any preset query code defined in the configuration | - | Selects the preset queries to apply to the selected report |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <reports> <hours-worked> <report id="identifier1" name="My preset Queries Report One"> <selector name="This is a category" add-from="list, of, tables, not, in, original, query" add-where="clause = to AND add = to AND the IN (where, query)"/> </report> </hours-worked> </reports>
Using only the configuration described above, the selectors to build for a detailed reporting can be quite huge. The idea is to define a base name and preset query containing variables, and then define wich values can takes those variables. In order to define the values that can take the variable, you can add a combinaison or sets.
A set simply define the values for each variable: the base selector will genrate as many selectors as there is sets defined
A combinaison defines one to n values for each variable: a preset query will be generated for each combinaison of the values of each parameter
Exemple: The selector below is equivalent to the definition of 38 selector nodes as defined in the previous section!!!
<selector name="Category example with {1}, {2} and {3}" add-from="keywords, keyworddefs" add-where="and keyworddefs.name='{1}' and bugs.component_id={2} and bugs.bug_severity={3} and keyworddefs.id = keywords.keywordid and keywords.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"/> <combinaison> <param number="1" value="delivery"/> <param number="1" value="another"/> <param number="1" value="coucou"/> <param number="2" value="5"/> <param number="2" value="2"/> <param number="3" value="blocker"/> <param number="3" value="critical"/> <param number="3" value="major"/> </combinaison> <set> <param number="1" value="client"/> <param number="2" value="10"/> <param number="3" value="enhancement"/> </set> <set> <param number="1" value="other"/> <param number="2" value="5"/> <param number="3" value="enhancement"/> </set> </selector>
As I worked for a long time on this evolution, everything appears clear to me, bu t I have the feeling it's not that clear... Please send me e-mails if it's not.
Generates a HTML consolidated report of hours worked. It consolidates hours worked in Bugzilla using the following analytic axes:
Parameters name | Mandatory | Possible values | Default value | Description |
from | no | Any valid date | - | Define the lower date bound, included, when searching for hours worked. See formatting rules. |
to | no | Any valid date | - | Define the upper date bound, excluded, when searching for hours worked. See formatting rules. |
date-range (Period split) | yes | NONE,DAILY,WEEKLY,MONTHLY | NONE | Define the date range to split consolidation |
x-show-level (X Show Level) | none | Any integer | - | Define the X axis level depth to show. 0 value will show only the first level. |
y-show-level (Y Show Level) | none | Any integer | - | Define the Y axis level depth to show. 0 value will show only the first level. |
logins | no | Any valid Bugzilla logins | - | Comma separated list of Bugzilla logind to include in the report. Please do not include any spaces. |
individual-report | no | true or false | false | if set to "true", an e-mail will be sent to each login given in logins parameter with all its hours worked record for the given period. |
select bugs_activity.bug_when, profiles.login_name, bugs_activity.added, bugs_activity.bug_id, bugs.short_desc, products.name, bugs.bug_severity, bugs.priority from bugs_activity, profiles, bugs, products, fielddefs where fielddefs.name = 'work_time' and bugs_activity.fieldid = fielddefs.fieldid and bugs_activity.bug_id = bugs.bug_id and bugs.product_id = products.id and bugs_activity.who = profiles.userid and profiles.login_name in ('here', 'is', 'the', 'list', 'of', 'given', 'logins') and bugs_activity.bug_when >= 'YYYY-MM-DD' and bugs_activity.bug_when < 'YYYY-MM-DD'
Parameters name | Mandatory | Possible values | Default value | Description |
from | no | Any valid date | - | Define the lower date, included, bound for deadline. See formatting rules. |
to | no | Any valid date | - | Define the upper date, excluded, bound for deadline. See formatting rules. |
logins | no | Any valid Bugzilla logins | - | Comma separated list of Bugzilla logind to include in the report. |
individual-report | no | true or false | false | if set to "true", an e-mail will be sent to each login given in logins parameter with all its hours worked record for the given period. |
select bugs.bug_id, bugs.deadline, bugs.short_desc, bugs.status_whiteboard, profiles.login_name from bugs, profiles where bugs.assigned_to = profiles.userid profiles.login_name in ('here', 'is', 'the', 'list', 'of', 'given', 'logins') and bugs.deadline >= 'YYYY-MM-DD' and bugs.deadline < 'YYYY-MM-DD'