First of all, have a look at the prerequisites.
I will describe here the installation on a Debian system, and on Tomcat as the web container. If you are installing this application on another system / web container, reading this guide and your system and web container guide should be enought for you to make it. Of course, tips and tricks are very welcome: send them to me and I'll add them in this document.
First of all, you need to install a JAVA virtual machine. I personnaly choosed to install the SUN one. Depending on your Debian version, the SUN JVM is either available as a package, eithier you need to make your own .deb from the standard SUN installation.
Have a look in the available installations for SUN JVM, and install it if found:
# apt-cache search sun-java5-jdk sun-java5-bin - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architecture dependent files) sun-java5-jdk - Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 sun-java5-jre - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architecture independent files) # apt-get install sun-java5-jdk sun-java5-jre
If there is no installation available, you need to download the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0. Then, you have to make it a Debian package in order to register it as the Java virtual machine of your Debian system.
# apt-get install java-package # fakeroot make-jpkg jdk-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin # dpkg -i sun-j2sdk1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb
The web archive is to be deployed in a web container, configured with a datasource pointing to a Bugzilla database, and other configuration parameters detailled below.
Installing Tomcat 5, mySQL java driver and referencing it in Tomcat 5.5
# apt-get install tomcat5.5 # apt-get install libmysql-java # cd /usr/share/tomcat5.5/common/lib/ # ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql.jar
The application needs a database backend to store users, rights, and meta information. As it uses hibernate, you do not have to care about creating the database objects: the application will do it itself. Nevertheless, it does require an existing database instance.
Please note that for the moment, only MySQL is supported. To install it:
# apt-get install mysql-server
The application is packaged in a tar.gz format. Download, Gunzip and Untar it in your software installation directory:
# cd /usr/local/java # wget # tar -zxvf jujunie-integration-x.y.z.tar.gz # rm jujunie-integration-x.y.z.tar.gz
TODO: More secure configuration have to be documented: In order to access a Planner file on your filesystem, edit the /etc/default/tomcat5.5 and set the TOMCAT5_SECURITY=no.
# mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 40920 Server version: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch1-log Debian etch distribution Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> create database my_integration; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec) mysql> grant all privileges on my_integration.* to 'integration_usr'@'%' identified by 'integration_usr_password'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec) mysql> flush privileges; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) mysql> exit Bye
A datasource must be available to connect to the integration database. This datatasource must be resolved using the JNDI name jdbc/integration. To configure the datasource, edit the /etc/tomcat5/server.xml file and add the datasource configuration into the host node where the application will be deployed. Hereafter a datasource configuration sample (created using Tomcat user guide):
<Context path="/jujunie-integration" docBase="jujunie-integration" debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"> ... <Resource name="jdbc/integration" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="integration_usr" password="integration_usr_pasword" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://"/> ... </Context>
The only required datasource is to access the jujunie integration database you've just created. But depending on the functionalities you will use, you'll have to configure others:
Description | JNDI Name resolution | Required for |
Bugzilla database | jdbc/bugzilla | Bugzilla reports, Bugzilla Update |
Each database to monitor | Any name you want in jdbc/ | Environment monitoring |
You then have to configure several properties to match your environment. The properties have a default value listed below. To override one, you have to define it in your JNDI tree. Hereafter the smtp server hostname property configuration sample (created using Tomcat user guide ):
<Environment name="jujunie-integration/common/mail/smtp-hostname" value="" type="java.lang.String" override="false"/>
Property | Default value | Description |
jujunie-integration / common / mail / smtp-hostname | localhost | SMTP (Simple Mail Tranfert Protocol) server host name. This server will be used to send e-mails from the application, like reports after processing a Planner file in BugzillaUpdate. |
jujunie-integration /common /mail / smtp-portnumber | 25 | SMTP server port number. 25 is the default port number for the SMTP protocol |
jujunie-integration / common /mail / authentification | false | Flag to indicate if the configured SMTP server needs an authentification. If set to true then you'll have to set the user login and password to use. |
jujunie-integration / common / mail / smtp-login | User login, if the SMTP server requires an authentification. | |
jujunie-integration / common / mail / smtp-password | User password, if the SMTP server requires an authentification. | |
jujunie-integration / common / mail / from-name | Jujunie Integration Project | The from name on sending e-mails. |
jujunie-integration / common / mail / from-email | | The from email on sending e-mails. |
jujunie-integration / common / authentication / ldap-server | localhost | LDAP server |
jujunie-integration / common / authentication / ldap-basedn | LDAP Base DN | |
jujunie-integration / common / authentication / ldap-uidattribute | uid | LDAP UID attribute |
jujunie-integration / common / authentication / ldap-cnattribute | cn | LDAP CN attribute |
jujunie-integration / common / authentication / ldap-emailattribute | LDAP attribute that holds user email | |
jujunie-integration / bugzilla / base-url | http://localhost/bugzilla | Base URL to access Bugzilla using the HTTP protocol. This property is used to launch Bugzilla processes like the sanity check to send unsent e-mails |
jujunie-integration / bugzilla / user-login | bugadmin | Bugzilla user login. When accessing Bugzilla threw HTTP, Bugzilla requires a login and password for authentification. This login is also used to populate the Bugzilla audit system when modifying a bug directly in the Bugzilla database. |
jujunie-integration / bugzilla / user-password | changeme | Bugzilla user password. |
jujunie-integration / bugzilla / email-suffix | If users logins are not email, then an e-mail suffix is required. See the Bugzilla configuration. | |
jujunie-integration / bugzilla / reports / preset-queries |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <reports> <hours-worked> <report id="sample1" name="Preset Query Sample"> <selector name="With 'delivery' keyword" add-from=", keywords, keyworddefs" add-where=" and'delivery' and = keywords.keywordid and keywords.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"/> </report> </hours-worked> <deadline> <report id="deadline-opened" name="Opened bugs that have a deadline"> <selector name="Opened with deadline" add-from="" add-where=" and bugs.deadline is not null and bug_status in ('UNCONFIRMED', 'NEW', 'ASSIGNED', 'REOPENED')"/> </report> </deadline> </reports> |
This is the preset queries configuration. Basically, it allows you to modify the way reports select records and map it to a category. For more information, please see reports section. |
jujunie-integration / bugzilla-update / task-starting-notification-delay | 1 | When activating the task starting notification in BugzillaUpdate process, this parameter define the delay, in days, between the current date and the start date of the task before sending the notification |
jujunie-integration / bugzilla-update / estimated-planified-tolerance | 3 | If the absolute difference, in hours, between the planified task length and the bug current estimate is strictly greather than this value, the a warning is raised. |
jujunie-integration / autodeploy / version | V0_5 |
Version of AutoDeploy. The accepted values
jujunie-integration / autodeploy / xml-url | http://localhost/webautodeploy/ConfigurationWrapper | URL to the configuration servlet of AutoDeploy |
jujunie-integration / database / schemas-ignore-list | dbsnmp,dip,outln,perfstat,rman,sys,sysman,system,tsmsys,wmsys,xdb | List of schemas to ignore in environment monitoring. The application will act as if they don't exist |
jujunie-integration / database / dump / retention-hours | 12 | Guaranties the generated dumps availability for this amount of time. If a dump is older and the application needs additional space, the dump will be deleted |
jujunie-integration / database / dump / repository | /tmp/jujunie-integration/dump | The system path to the directory to store dumps and associated logs and md5sum files |
jujunie-integration / database / dump / repository-url | http://$SERVER_NAME:$SERVER_PORT/tmp/jujunie-integration/dump |
Base URL to access files generated in dump repository. In the given parameter, you can use the
following tokens:
jujunie-integration / database / dump / permanent-mail-notification | Any dump request and dump result will be send to this e-mail address | |
jujunie-integration / database / dump / max-running | 10 | Total maximum number of running dumps |
jujunie-integration / database / dump / max-server-running | 1 | Total maximum number of running dumps for one server |
jujunie-integration / database / dump / oracle / env-names | ORACLE_HOME,ORACLE_BASE,ORACLE_BIN |
Environments parameters names for ORACLE datbase. Each name defined here must have a corresponding
lower case properties: jujunie-integration / database / dump / oracle / env-environment_name set
to the environment name. By default, the following properties are defined:
# cd /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps # ln -s INSTALL_DIR/jujunie-integration-x.y.z.war # /etc/init.d/tomcat5 restart