
The purpose of this document is to define how to write documentation using XDoc format. This has been chosen as the standard

This format has been chosen because:

  • The files versions are managed together with the source code in SCM
  • The diff is easily readable
  • It will be easy, if another format is chosen, to do a migration
  • The rendered result is easy to ge using the Maven site plugin
  • It is easy to edit, using any text editor
  • It is an open standard
In order to have a common understanding of the documentation source, and in order to make easy the migration to another format (DocBook, lets say...), we have to follow common wrting rules such:
  • Common basic template
  • XDoc basic rules knowledge
  • Limited subset of XHTML tags
  • Limited subset of style classes
  • Formating rules

Basic Template

Hereafter you'll find a basic template to copy / paste in a new file to start a new documentation.

XDoc basic rules

XDoc is mainly few elements and XHTML content

XDoc elements

We will only list here the element to use in the body of the document, e.g. the one you can use in the body element.. Other elements, like document, head, title, author... are contained in the document template.
Name Description
section Define a section in you documentation. A section can only contains subsections
subsection Define a sub-section, and must be nested into a section element. It cannor contains subsection nor section elements. If you need to add a sub-sub-section, consider splitting your documentation in several files and then raise your sections hierarchy
source To present source code or preformatted text, program listing, etc...


  • Don't nest block level elements, like <ul> element in <p>
  • Don't nest <source> element in paragraphs (<p> element)
  • Put inline elements inside block level elements, e.g. put <a> in block level element
  • XHTML rule: all tags must be closed. Empty tags must be written using the empty tag notation: <element/>
  • XHTML rule: all elements and attributes must be lowercase.

XHTML tags

Excluding XDoc specific elements, writting XDoc is basically writting XHTML. In order to avoid painful reading of XDoc source, and painful migration to another format, we must limit or usage of available XHTML tags. All the tags not list here must not be used. Most of the time, it is because they have a style instead of structure connotation.
Element Description Allowed attributes
p paragraph -
ul list -
ol ordered list -
li list item -
table table definition -
tr table row -
th table header -
td table cell -
a link href, target
img image src
em Indicates emphasis. -
strong Indicates stronger emphasis. -
cite Contains a citation or a reference to other sources. -
dfn Indicates that this is the defining instance of the enclosed term. -
var Indicates an instance of a variable or program argument. -
abbr Indicates an abbreviated form (e.g., WWW, HTTP, URI, Mass., etc.). title
accronym Indicates an acronym (e.g., WAC, radar, etc.). title

Style classes

No other style classes than the one listed below should be used. The keypoint for those classes is that thew have a real semantic: the purpose is not really to make things beautiful, but to add a semantic to proposed XHTML element we saw above. As an example, the screenshot style class for on img element should be a way to identify an image as a screenshot, not a way to display it like this por like that: this task comes much later on and is not your responsability. It's the responsability of the guy which will try to make the documentation as clearer as possible (which is nearly impossible if everybody use the style attribute or their own home-made style classes
Class Description
img.screenshot Define a image as a screenshot

Formating rules

  • Lines must not be longer than 120 characters (as java code should...)
  • The indentation should be 2 characters