
Welcome to the developer guide. This page should gives you basic information to starting up developing in this project.

QuickStart guide

This quick start task list have been set up uppon my own experience, e.g. using linux and eclipse. You may change / translate some parts to make it runs on you target IDE and Operating System.

Check out the project as described in Source Repository project information

Configure eclipse:

  • Make sure that the JDK 1.5 is available
  • Declare the M2_REPO variable in classpath variable to point to your Maven repository
Each following step should be executed for each module (e.g. one fore integration-core, one for integration-web and one for integration-velocity). Create a new project: Eclipse Setup - Step 1 - Create new project Choose Java Project and click next: Eclipse Setup - Step 2 - Choose Java Project

Configure your project:

  • Choose the module name as project name, here integration-core
  • Select Create project from existing source
  • Click Finish
Eclipse Setup - Step 3 - Configure project After doing this for each module, you should have soemthing like this: Eclipse Setup - Step 4 - Result You have a lot of compilation error, as the build classpath is not yet set. Fortunatly, Maven provide an eclipse plugin to generate the .classpath file for you, according to the configured dependencies So go in the trunk directory where you have checkouted the sources, and do:
$> mvn install
$> mvn eclipse:eclipse

Then refresh each project, you should not have compilation errors anymore.

This project uses the Jakarta Commons Email API. Commons Email requires two jar files to compile and run - activation-x.x.x.jar and javamail-x.x.x.jar (for required version, see dependency tree of the current installed version of Commons Email: dependency for the lastest version). These are not present in the main maven ibiblio repository due to Sun licensing restrictions. You must manually download these jars and install them in your own local repository (See MAVEN guide to do so)

. You are now able to generate the war:
$> mvn package
The war file will be generated in <project_root>/integration-web/target. You should now jump to the installation guide to deploy your brand new version of Integration!